March 14, 2018
I think we need to have a talk with Mother Nature. She put down five inches of snow on Wednesday. I know that’s not a lot, but too much for me already. Some places really got hit and some are still without power. Hopefully, all will get better soon. Last I heard it’s to be cold and snow showers almost all week, with a warm-up, “maybe” on the weekend.
Joe and Diane Fanning, along with Molly, Landenberg, spent a few days recently at their home here. Weather didn’t cooperate. High winds took down a couple of trees, one almost hitting the house. Now the work starts with cutting them up. There will be firewood for a while. Poor robins are still looking for a way to get under the snow for bugs and worms.
Ted and Mary Lowden spent the weekend in Marlton, NJ, with TJ and Alison Lowden and Wesson. They attended a baby shower for TJ and Alison. From the pictures I saw, looks like everyone had a good time.
Civic meeting, Tuesday, March 20th, 6 p.m. at the Township Building.
HINT: “Fill in nail holes or other imperfections in the wall with a stiff paste made of equal parts salt, starch and enough water to moisten.”
Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Weisbrod, 15th; Gianna Mae DiRocco, 16th; Don Risser and Sheilyn Dendler, 17th; Joe Tabor, 18th and Aaron Kinsey, 21st. Have a good day.
“B”‘s gang sends birthday wishes to Steph Putnam, 17th; Kristin Putnam, 18th; and Lori Higley, 19th. Have a super-duper day.
Happy Anniversary to Joe and Tina Tabor, 15th. Have a good day.
Guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week; get out in the sunshine and fresh air. We’ll see what kind of weather Mother Nature has in store. I’m sure there will be things going on in the County, so keep an eye on the Sully to see what, where and when. I’ll be here next time and thanks for reading. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you.