March 1, 2023
What a wishy-washy week we had with the weather. Had snow, rain, fog, lots of wind and some sun. Saturday was very cold and windy with gusts up to 25 miles an hour. Sunday morning it went down to 5 degrees, but warmed up a little during the day with sunshine. Didn’t get as high as predicted. Of course the wind was with us still. LOTS of geese going North the past few days. Good sign? I sure hope so.
Tick season is upon us and I got this tip from a friend. Use any product with 5% permethrin to keep ticks at bay. She said it remains protective through several washings. She has a lot of ticks in her area and says it works really well for her.
Hopefully the weather will be getting better and we’ll start to see more folks around at their seasonal places.
Watch the Sully and Face Book for up-coming events that you may be interested in.
Don’t have much to report this week. I do want to wish Linda (Hatch) Raub good luck in whatever she will be doing. I will miss her Forksville column as she always has the hunting and fishing seasons down pat. I know she likes to do that and kept everyone informed as to when and where. Hopefully, someone will take over and do the same.
Mark your calendar for Saturday and Sunday, March 25 and 26. The Che-Hanna R&M Club will be having their 53rd annual show at the Wysox Volunteer Fire Company Social Hall. Something for everyone. I will put more in as it gets closer.
Congratulations to Matt and Danielle Williams. They had baby number five. Anna Yvonne was born on January 27th and baby and mama are doing fine.
I guess that’s about it. Enjoy your week. Don’t know what the weather will bring, but there will be some. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.