June 9, 2021
Well, Mother Nature sure surprised us for Memorial Day weekend. With all the rain we had prior, she held the rain off and we had a perfect day for the parade and all who participated. I think this was one of the best crowds we had in a long time. Thanks to all who took time to attend. I think many got their cook-outs and picnics in. Supposed to be hot for the week with thunderstorms possible because of the humidity. I see gardens are being tilled, ready for planting and flowers are looking nice in the hanging baskets and pots along the house. Let’s hope everyone has a good season.
Alex and Ginny Stavisky, Palm Beach, FL, are spending some time at their home here, as well and Ted and Faye Puzo at their home. They came in from Ohio. Have an enjoyable time.
Tyler McGuire returned home after a great week, with 14 of his school friends, on vacation at Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Maine. They did lots of hiking and seeing places of interest. All had a good time.
Don’t forget to still support the area businesses during this time as they get back on their feet after this pandemic. Should be over soon, if another doesn’t hit us.
Next Civic meeting will be on Wednesday, the 16th, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion.
Happy Birthday to Sandy Kriel, 14th; Nathan Kinsey, 17th; and Dana Dempsey, 20th. Have a good day.
Happy Anniversary to Bob and Lisa Burke as they celebrate on the 19th. Many more happy days ahead.
B’s Gang sends birthday wishes to Nina Weslowski, 14th and Marty Slocum, 16th. Have a fabulous day!
With the nicer weather finally getting here, more folks are coming to their summer homes and cabins.
Now that school is out, please watch out for kids on the road. It doesn’t hurt to take a little more time to get where you’re going. Just slow down.
Guess that’s the news. Enjoy your week. Should really be nice. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com., by 6 p.m. on Sunday evening. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.