July 27, 2022
Boy!! Did we have a “doozy” of a storm Sunday afternoon. Pouring rain, wind like crazy, thunder and lightning. Lasted for about a half hour. We needed rain, but would have been much better if it were a slow, steady rain, rather than the downpour that washes everything all over the place. We had some really hot days during the week. Hopefully will cool down some for the week coming. Just hope the weekend of August 6th, for Old Home Day will be a really nice one. I’ll talk to Mother Nature and see what I can do.
Irene (Huray) Pequignot, Linden, spent some time on Saturday at her home on Church Street.
The Lopez flea market will be coming up on Saturday, August 27th, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. or whenever the customers have left. Check your garage, attic, basement or anywhere that you might have things you’d like to sell. They say “one person’s trash is another man’s treasure”. So, you may have something that someone will really want and it will be a treasure to them. The flea market will be held down by Nessie at the pond.
Nina Weslowski spent the weekend with her parents, Gerry and Paula; her brother, Paul and friend, Chris in Allentown. I imagine it was pretty hot there too.
I know there are still things going on around the County, so keep an eye on the Sully for these. Linda Raub and Connie Hatch are really up on these events, so read the Forksville and Estella news.
There will be a work bee on Saturday, the 30th, 10 a.m. at the Pavilion to finish up getting ready for Old Home Day. If you’re available and can spend some time, come on up and give a hand.
Happy Birthday to Marino Santarelli and Carole Kilgus, 28th; Madison Burke and Matt Dayton, Jr., 29th; and Casey Bonardi, 30th. Hope you have a nice day.
The 4-H Model Rocketry launch will be held on Sunday, the 31st at the Vough farm. These kids have worked really hard on their rockets and will get to launch them and see what they do. Come on out if you’d like to watch the kids have a “blast”.
The community bids a fond farewell to Carole Kilgus, Kevin and Teri Bullis as they leave Lopez and move South. Happy trails and good luck in your new home. They will be missed. They were very instrumental in the Civic Association, helping with events that were held; and especially Old Home Day, which Carole and Teri did for many years.
Guess that’s it for now. Enjoy your week, whether rain or shine. It’s still a good time for all. Have news, let me know by 6 p.m. on Sunday evening by calling 570-928-9238; snail mail; see me; or e-mail at news@lopezpa.com. I will put it in for you. I’ll be here next time and thanks for reading.
Yep!!! We will be having Lopez Old Home Day this year. It will be on Saturday, August 6th, Noon to 10 p.m. on the Pavilion grounds. You will have your choice of a chicken or pulled pork dinner with sides of baked potato, baked beans, cole slaw, drink and dessert. The Civic food booth will have hot dogs and hamburgs, chips, soda and water.
Again we will have SS Peter and Paul with their popular Bingo game. Try your luck and enjoy the games. St. Vladimir’s Church will have their delicious ethnic foods — pierogies, halushki, halupki and potato pancakes to satisfy your taste buds.
Take a walk to the game booths and enjoy the Duck Pond; bottle toss, tic-tac-toe and Whiffle Ball. Right near there will be the dunk tank. There’s always someone willing to sit on the cushion and someone trying to see if they can put that someone in the water.
The Civic Swag Booth will have t-shirts and sweatshirts for sale, along with the Lopez decals, thanks to the generous donation of these from Michael Reese. There will also be basket raffles and 50/50 raffle. Something new this year will be a chance to have your fortune told by the “Mysterious Madame Lopezina”. That should be fun. Last, but not least, we will have the ever popular AM Flashback from 5-9 p.m. for your musical and dancing enjoyment.
The money raised on Old Home Day goes toward bills; Memorial Day and Halloween. A big portion goes toward mowing of the parks; Cold Spring;; EUB cemetery; and Pavilions maintenance. Donations are always accepted and so appreciated. Come on out. Hope to see you there.