January 25, 2023
Well, woke up to a good snow storm from overnight and still snowing lightly. I’m sure at least three inches. We really don’t need that. Schools closed in most places and a good day to stay in and bake, do a puzzle or read a book. It’s pretty messy out there. The trees and bushes are covered with snow. Looks very pretty, but don’t care for it. It’s windy and hope we don’t lose power. I did hear there is another potential storm coming on Wednesday. Have to wait and see.
Joe and Jack Caccia, Elmira, NY, visited Will Durland in Dushore on Monday. He and Jack were Air Force buddies and they had a nice time talking about their time in the service. Will had seen, in my news, that Joe and Jack had visited us. He contacted us, we contacted Jack with phone number, and they made plans to get together. Good times.
Got a hint from a neighbor. She said to save your pizza boxes and use them in the bottom of your garbage can. If your bag happens to leak, it will go on the box rather than get the can ikky. Thanks, Barb, for that hint.
The first meeting for the Civic Association will be on Wednesday, April 19. 6 p.m. at the Township Building. Mark your calendar now and maybe we can start planning things for the summer months.
Since eggs are so expensive right now, here are a couple of substitutions: 1 tsp baking soda and 1 TBSP baking soda. Also, one fourth cup of applesauce can be used. (I use applesauce instead of shortening.) There sure are a lot of jokes going around about eggs right now. I’ve seen so many on Face Book. Hopefully, the prices will eventually come down.
Happy Birthday to Scott Aharonian, 27th; Jennifer Pequignot Laird, 28th; Lisa Burke and Jason Burke, 30th. Hope you all have a nice day.
And, now a question for our readers. Does anyone remember anything about the UFO incident at the Benton Air Force Base on Mary 5, 1965?
That’s all for now. Enjoy your week. Probably will have to do some shoveling. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will get it in for you. Have a great week and I’ll be here next time.