February 8, 2023
Boy! Mother Nature sure gave us some wicked weather the last week. We had two brutal days of high winds, below zero temperatures and blowing snow. Then, on Sunday, the temperature hit 42 degrees. That really felt good. I guess from what I’ve heard, the week is to be pretty mild. Let’s see what happens.
I heard that there will be no Eagles Mere Toboggan slide, due to not enough ice that is thick enough. That’s a shame since it’s one of their major fund raisers. Have to see if there will be enough snow for the Sleigh Rally that will be coming up soon.
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Do you have plans for that special one? Check out the Sully or Face Book to see what might be going on that you’d be interested in.
With this crazy weather, there isn’t too much to report. I think everyone is staying close to home and indoors. The flu bug is also going around and has a lot of folks sick with that. Get well to all who are bothered.
Got an e-mail from someone who was interested in my UFO article last week and checked into it. He sent a different article to me also about it. Interesting.
Happy Birthday to Alex Arahonian, 11th; Lisa Kellogg Williams, 13th; and Tommy Van Dyke and Krystal Vermiere, 14th. Have a nice day.
That’s it. Have a good week, whatever you may do. Have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time. Comments appreciated.