February 28, 2018
Whoop-de-do — Tuesday and Wednesday were both beautiful days and nice for drying laundry on the line. It was 63 degrees on Tuesday and 72 degrees on Wednesday. Why didn’t it last. After that, it went downhill. It’s not really bad, but could be much warmer. It’s to warm up during the week and then the weekend is to be not so good again. I’m really waiting for the warmer weather to finally get here.
My neighbor did mention that she saw a flock of geese going NORTH one day. Sure hope that’s a good sign. No sign of robins here yet.
I’m hoping that this round of flu stuff is over with. Hope you all are feeling well, and those that are still bothered with the winter blah’s, hope you feel better soon. There is so much sickness going around, we really need some better weather to make everyone feel good. Think we can talk to Mother Nature about that??
Not much to report this week.
Irene Pequignot, Linden, visited her mother, Mrs. Irene Huray on Sunday.
Kaeleigh and Kyleigh McDonald spent Friday and Saturday with Kristin, Jeffrey and Hailey Mensch. They got to see how sap was being made. They also visited Cory McDonald at his home.
Next Civic meeting will be on Tuesday, March 20th, 6 p.m. at the Township Building. Sure hope we don’t get blitzed with a winter storm.
Happy Birthday wishes to Keene Vinetelli, March 5th; and Bethany Dendler, 6th. Have a nice day.
HINT: “Stop cut apples from browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band.”
Guess that’s it. Enjoy your week, should be nice half the time. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the Sully for up-coming events you may be interested in.