February 10, 2016
Can’t complain about the nice weather we’ve been having. Last Monday was 52 degrees, sunny and warm. I hung the laundry out on the line and it dried. That was awesome. Hadn’t done that for months. I hear we may be getting a “little” snow, but most of the storms are going to stay out along the coast. New York, New Jersey, DC and Maryland can have it all. We’ve been pretty lucky so far this year.
Due to the warm weather, there will be no toboggan slide in Eagles Mere this year. That’s the sad part about the weather since this is a major fund raiser for the Eagles Mere Fire Company and they depend on the cold weather to make the slide.
Sympathy from the community to the family and friends of Steve Gulich, Sr., who passed away on January 31st. Funeral was held on February 4th at St. Vladimir’s Church, with burial in the parish cemetery. Rev. Dennis Hendershot presided. Steve was a good member of the community and visited with anyone he’d see while walking to town every day to pick up his mail. He will be missed by all who got to know him.
Visiting Mrs. Irene Huray on Saturday was her daughter, Irene Pequignot and her grandson, Kevin Pequignot.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order yours, call 570-928-1099.
Don’t forget……..Winterfest is coming up on the weekend. Lots of things planned for the weekend, so take a ride to Camp Brule and enjoy the fun. Take part in the Polar Bear plunge; check out the ice carving, the live auction, the human dog sled races, and many more things that will be going on. I’m sure you’ll have a great time.
Sunday is Valentine’s Day so enjoy the day with loved ones. Do something special for someone, just because.
Happy Birthday wishes to Haley Latch, 15th; and Allison Lowden and Tim Brown, 17th.
Hope you all have a nice day.
HINT: “Use toothpaste to buff a CD/DVD. Apply toothpaste to a cotton ball and wipe the disc. Wash with water and you’ve got a brand new disc.”
There’s still time to get your Cold Spring donation in. If you’d like to give to that project, mark your envelope “Cold Spring” and send to Lopez Civic Association, P.O. Box 100, Lopez, PA 18628. All monies greatly appreciated.
From Mr. Neubauer’s little brown book: February 7, 1978 – Cloudy, cold, flurries and 10 degrees. On that date, now, we had sun, little wind and 10 degrees early, but did warm up to 40 degrees later in the day. I think one of these days we’ll get snow and cold and it will be here a while. But…………maybe not. Maybe we’ll get an early Spring. There are conflicting reports that the groundhog saw his shadow, he didn’t see his shadow, so I’ll just wait and see what happens.
I’ve had people tell me they like the weather reports I give in my column. They know how to dress and what to bring to the area if they’re coming for a weekend or a few days, so they enjoy that.
Guess that’s it for this time. Enjoy your week, whatever you may do. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.