December 9, 2020
Hope everyone had a good week. The weather was miserable almost all week long with low temperatures that didn’t warm up much. We had frost, clouds and that ever present wind. We did have a couple of days with snow showers that coated the ground. Sunday was terribly cold and so windy. Good day to stay in and read a book or do puzzles.
Did you see that picture in the Sully last week of that 19 point buck taken in Hillsgrove area. That’s some rack!
Sympathy from the community to the family and friends of Judy Rattigan who passed away on November 5th. She lived in Lopez at one time and was still a frequent visitor when she moved to Larksville.
Sympathy from the community to Carole Kilgus and family on the passing of her brother, Ray Barber, on the third of December. He was such a pleasant man; helped out in any way he could, wherever he was needed. Ray was an asset to the Civic Association, helping with flea markets and Old Home Day. He could become friends with anyone. He will certainly be missed by all who knew him.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. They are available the first and third Sunday of the month at the Church Hall, from Noon to 1 p.m. They make a very good meal.
Birthdays coming up include Andrea (Matychak) Anderson, 12th; Irena Pochatko, also on the 12th; Dylan Amon, 13th; Noah Brown, 14th; and Carter Vermiere, 17th. Have a nice day.
Hope you hunters are enjoying the woods and getting your buck or doe. Congratulations to Kaeleigh McDonald who got her first doe when hunting on Saturday. Good luck to all of you.
Little by little, I see more Christmas decorations going up as I walk around town. I got a very nice comment from Paul and Joyce Hails on the manger scene at the monument. Said it really means a lot to them and nice to see our small community displaying the real meaning of Christmas. Hope many more like it as well.
Don’t forget, the Civic Association still has a few Lopez t-shirts, hoodies, koozies for sale. Thank you to all who have purchased.
Don’t forget to support your local businesses when you can to help keep them going during this time. It’s tough right now and any little bit helps them out.
I see Christmas in Dushore is coming up on Saturday, the 12th, from 2-6 p.m. Fun for all. Drop down there to take part and have an enjoyable day.
Don’t know of anything else to report. Probably have some more winter-like weather, since it’s that time of year. Enjoy your week, no matter what you do, even if you stay in by the fire and read. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will put it in for you. Don’t forget, with this rise in cases in Sullivan County, to do social distancing, wear your mask, stay home if you don’t feel well, and WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN. Stay well; stay safe, everyone. Hopefully we will get through this sometime soon.