December 23, 2015
Still having pretty nice weather most of the day. The mornings start out really cold and sometimes very windy, but guess we can put up with that. We had a “few” of those little “white” things come down, but nothing to speak of. Hope they stay away. Heard Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are to be super and I’ll go for that. I do feel bad for the ski lodges and folks who like to get out and ski, snowboard and go snowmobiling. But……I don’t feel “that” bad. We’ll get ours………… due time.
Got the following e-mail to share. “Hello, Jim Glasson, Sr., here, from Tall Timbers Hunting Club, located in Lopez since 1980. This year we had nine hunters in the club make it up. Those included Jim Glasson, Sr. (President); Jim Glasson, Jr., who harvested a beautiful six pointer on opening day, estimated weight 180 pounds; Jim’s brothers, John and Tom; and members Tim Callahan, Sr. and his son Tim, Jr. They all hunted. Also there was Gary Shafer and his brother-in-law, Bill Moyer, who joined the Club this year. Jeff Ellershaw, who is a member, hunted very hard. Unfortunately, the unseasonably warm weather didn’t cooperate. Saw plenty of grouse and four bear, but no shots. We had long time friend, Tony Sneidar from Church Street and his friends stop down to visit, along with the Ten Point Club, from Flat Street. This included Oats, Bob, Tubby, Tommy and many more. We spent lots of time playing cards and reminiscing about all the great times we’ve had hunting since 1978 and remembered visiting with Vito Arcaro when he had the Grid Iron, and talking about all the deer stories the guys made up. Seems like the deer herd shrunk or not enough hunters to keep them moving. Merry Christmas from Tall Timers Club and a Healthy New Year for everyone in the Ice Box of Pennsylvania.”
Ted, Mike, TJ and Kevin were all lucky hunters during the season.
Good luck to Jim and Barbara Craig who have sold their home on Church Street. They will go back to their home in Media, but hope to visit now and then. They will be missed by all their neighbors and friends.
Ted and Mary Lowden, Maple Terrace, took a short trip to Marlton, NJ, to visit TJ and Allison Lowden, at their home there.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order yours, call 570-928-1099. Makes a nice Christmas dinner.
HINT: “To freshen the air in your home, place a sheet of Bounce in drawers or hang in the closet. You can also put a sheet of Bounce in your vacuum cleaner for a nice smell when cleaning.”
Cory McDonald, Wakefield, RI, is spending the Christmas holiday here and about with family and friends.
From Mr. Neubauer’s little brown book: December 20, 1981 – Cold and 14 degrees. Our weather today was a low of 22 degrees and I don’t think it went up above 34 degrees all day. Ours is a tad better than what they had back in 1981.
Well, this is the last Sully for the year. Next one will be January 6, 2016. The year seemed to go by pretty fast. I’d like to wish everyone, including the Sully staff, a very Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year. I’ve enjoyed writing the Lopez news and thank everyone who had a hand in giving me news items and Hints for the column. Enjoy your week with friends and loved ones. Be careful if you’re out for New Year’s Eve. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for everything and I’ll be here next time.