August 30, 2017
Turned out to be quite a nice weekend, after some cool early morning temperatures. Not the case in Texas and Louisiana where they are battling Hurricane Harvey and getting some pretty nasty weather for the next few days. Just pray that all will be safe. The week is to be pretty nice from reports I have heard and that sounds good to me.
Sympathy from the community to the family, relatives and friends of Andy Work who recently passed away. Nice, friendly man.
Sympathy from the community also to the family, relatives and many, many friends of Arno Serafini who was involved in an auto accident on Friday and died as a result. I didn’t know him well, but from what I’ve been reading on Face Book, he was a great man. He will be deeply missed by all.
Condolences from the community to the Woodruff family on the passing of Audrey on Saturday. Such a nice lady.
Just to clear something up that I read in last week’s Sully. Kathy Sandow is not Lopez Judge of Election. She is a candidate and will be on the November ballot. There is also another person running for the same position. I am Judge until January 2018. Just saying.
Don’t forget, Flea Market, Saturday, September 2nd, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Pavilion. Lots of things to browse through. Something for everyone. Hope to see you there.
Also, mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 19th, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion, for the annual Civic picnic. Bring a dish to pass and table service. There will be a short meeting after the picnic. This is for all who helped in any way at our Lopez Old Home Days and for anyone in the community that would like to come. Just a get-together for all to enjoy a good time.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Mrs. Irene Huray has returned home after spending last week with her daughter, Irene Pequignot, in Linden. She spent the weekend here with her mother. Sophia Bednar, Endicott, NY, was also here for the weekend.
The turkeys are out and about. We’ve been watching about six big ones and eleven little ones make their way from the woods, down through the field to the creek. The little ones are getting pretty big already.
HINT: “Sprinkle baking soda, along with some vinegar, on the bottom of your copper bottom pans to get them clean.”
Happy Birthday wishes go to Kristin (McDonald) Mensch, September 5th; Miles Baton, 8th; and Alexia Vermiere, 13th. Hope you all have a good day.
B’s gang sends Happy Birthday wishes to “Roda” Stasiak as she celebrates on the 6th. Hope it’s great!!
Happy Anniversary to Shawn and Crystal Pequignot as they celebrate on the 4th. Also to Joe and Rose (McDonald) Sbardella, 5th; Gus and Edith Tamburro and Jim and Barbara Craig who both celebrate 57 years on the 10th. Congrats to all, have a good day and many more.
Some of the “Tent City” clan, Factory Road, were in over the weekend and enjoyed the really nice weather.
Sullivan County Fair is this week, so stop down and see what all is going on. Fun for everyone at the Fair. A lot of FREE entertainment at the outside stage; rides; vendors; food; entertainment; demolition derbies; animals; 4-H displays; lots more.
Keep an eye on the Sully as more things will be coming up for the Fall season. Something you may be interested in seeing or taking part in.
Guess that’s the news for this time. Enjoy your week; won’t get too many more nice ones, but we can hope for Indian summer on the way. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.