April 27, 2022
What a beautiful weekend after the April snow storm we had that dumped 12+ inches of snow and took our power out for 16 hours. Hope everyone affected by the storm now has their power restored. It was a nice weekend for all, especially those celebrating Orthodox Easter. Hope you all had a Blessed time with family and friends. On April 24th, 2014, there was a 28 degree temperature. On April 24th, 2022, there was a 35 degree temperature. By 3:30 in the afternoon it was up in the 70’s. Perfect day.
There will be a work bee on Sunday, May 1st, 10:30 a.m. to do park clean up before mowing starts. Meet at the Pavilion. Take pride in your community and volunteer to help. Many hands make light work. Even if it’s only 15 minutes; whatever you can do will help.
Joe and Diane Fanning, along with Molly, Landenberg, spent some time at their home on Church Street. Had really nice weather while they were here so got a lot of outside yard work done.
Congratulations to Kyleigh McDonald for winning first place at the Art Contest for her grade. Keep up the good work.
Some flowers are starting to push through the ground and bloom. Some didn’t have much luck and didn’t make it because of the bad weather. Soon it will also be time to start the gardens. Just hope we get some nice weather for that and hope for a good crop this summer.
Next Civic meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 18th, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion, If the weather isn’t nice, we’ll meet at the Township Building. Plans are trying to be made to have Old Home Day this year, the first Saturday in August. Volunteers are still needed if we are to have a successful day. You can contact, or see, Bob or JoAnn McGuire; Maggie or Jody Brumwell; or Heather McDonald of your willingness to help. Let’s make it happen this year!!
Do you have a bruise? Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to the bruise for one hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds up the healing process.
Happy Birthday to David Spinosa, 28th; and Abby Matychak, 30th. Paige and Kyler Burke, May 1st; and JoAnn Day, 2nd. Hope you all have a nice day.
There will be up-coming events listed in the Sully so keep an eye out for something you may be interested in. There are also some things mentioned on Face Book too. Nice weather coming, so things will start to happen.
Guess that’s it. Enjoy your week. Just hope we don’t have to use the snow shovel. Have news get it to me by 6 p.m. on Sunday evening by calling 570-928-9238; snail mail; see me; or e-mail at news@lopezpa.com. I will put it in for you. Thanks for all the comments I’ve gotten. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.