We had a couple of good rain storms. Some places measured 4 inches. It was windy too. Hopefully, we’ll get some nice weather yet before summer is over.
Hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day Holiday. The Sullivan County Fair was a big draw with lots to see and do. Despite the rain at times, I think everyone had an enjoyable time.
Thank you to Jane Swift, Worlds End State Park, for inviting UVBOB down to do a fluorescent mineral program on Sunday evening at the new amphitheater. There was a nice crowd in attendance. Bob showed how ugly rocks fluoresce under ultraviolet light. The kids all got rocks at the end of the showing. There were a lot of “oohs and aahs” when the lights were put on the ugly rocks and they turned “pretty”.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the fist and third Sunday of the month. They can be picked up at the Church Hall from Noon to 1 p.m. To order, call 440-645-9719 or 732-221-2803.
Next Civic meeting will be on Wednesday, the 11th, 6 p.m., hopefully at the Pavilion, weather permitting. Membership dues are now due. To renew your membership or to join, please see Kathy Isett. It costs “one buck”.
With “cooler” weather on the way more steadily, have you had your furnace cleaned for the winter season. Good idea to get it done to be sure all is in working order. So many people seem to think that Mother Nature is going to hit us with a more than normal snowfall and colder weather this year. Sure hope it’s wrong. We will have to wait and see what’s in store for us.
If you seal an envelope and realize you forgot to put something inside, place the envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. It will unseal easily,.
Happy Birthday to Kristin (McDonald) Mensch, 5th; Emilia Williams, 6th; Miles Baton, 8th; and Emerson Brumwell, 10th. Hope you all have a good day.
Thank you to Barb who liked my hint about rinsing hot water in your measuring cup or spoon to easily take out “sticky” stuff when cooking or baking. We were at the Fair on Saturday and a couple people mentioned about enjoying reading my news. Always like comments, either good or telling me how to improve my column. If you have a special hint you’d like me to add to my column, please check the info below and send it along and I will put it in. If you have any kind of news item you’d like to share, please let me know.
Happy Anniversary to Les and Kathy Isett as they celebrate on the 10th. Enjoy your day.
Keep an eye on the Sully and Face Book as there will still be things going on around the County that might be of interest to you.
Guess that’s it for now. Enjoy your week. Was a cool Monday early morning as I typed my news, but I see the sun is beginning to give us a nice day. Have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.
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