June 19, 2024
Hope you all enjoyed your Father’s Day weekend. Had some rain on Friday, but Saturday and Sunday were perfect for activities going on in the County.
I heard we are to have some really hot weather for the week, but it changes so fast, so we will see what we get. Hopefully, summer weather.
4-H Model Rocketry will meet July 8th; 15th; 22nd; and 29th at 3 p.m. at the Extension Office in Dushore. New members welcome. Questions, call Bob at the number below or Sandy at the Extension Office.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month. You can pick them up at the Church Hall from Noon to 1 p.m. Call 440-645-9719 or 732-221-2803 to order.
Volunteers are need for Old Home Day, Saturday, August 3rd. If you can be of any help, please call Jodi at 971-5002. Every little bit of help works to make a successful day.
If you would like to donate a basket for Old Home Day, please call Rose at 732-221-2803 and let her know.
Brian McGuire and Nina Weslowski spent the weekend in Allentown with her parents, Gerry and Paula Weslowski. They celebrated Nina’s birthday and her Dad’s Father’s day. They came home Sunday and Brian had a cook-out at his place for Father’s Day for his Dad, Bob, and his brother, JR. Nice time for all.
Happy Birthday wishes to Dana Dempsey, 20th; Jack Caccia, 22nd; Jean Woodford and Jodi Brumwell, both on the 24th. Hope you all have a good day.
Recipe for 3 ingredient weed killer. 1 gallon of white vinegar, 2 cups of Epsom Salts or table salt; 1/4 cup dishwashing soap. Pour all into a large spray bottle. Shake until combined. Let settle for a few minutes. Spray the weeds in the afternoon when weeds are not damp, on a sunny day. Let sit for a day; then come back and check for dead weeds.
Still many things will be going on around the County, so keep an eye on the Sully and Face Book to see if there is something of interest for you.
I see some pools are filled and hopefully some swimming can be done next week with the warmer temperatures. Gardens and flowers are looking good.
I guess that’s it. Hope everyone is well and not bothered with cold and flu. I know there are lots with allergies so lots of sneezing and stuffy noses. Feel better soon. Enjoy your week, whatever your plans may be. Have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will get it in for you. I’ll be here next time and thanks for reading.

Mike Walsh, Mike Keaney, and Matt Schifano all from West Pittston area, came to Lopez to pick up their final addition to the 24 year Lopez Commemorative Mug Collection. It was a great run. Some folks managed to collect the whole set and some only collected several. thank you to all of you that participated as it helped pay for the lopezpa.com website.